Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Judicial Branch, Day 7 - Class Recap

A photo from the in-service week at Westview last August, where Team Lower North won the Westview Staff Olympics.

Dear class,

Plenty ongoing until the end of the year! Today was a test day for the judicial branch and beginning look and the role of state and local governments. Here's what happened:

Learning Targets:
SS.HS.CR.ALT.03: I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem.
SS.HS.RE.ALT.05: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.01: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
SS.HS.KN.ALT.02: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
SS.HS.CO.ALT.05: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Soundtrack: “I Ka Barra (Your Work)” by Habib Koite. Selected because today I went over how much work needs to be done for many students to pass the class.

AGENDA 5/21/14:
News Brief
Grades Talk
Judicial Branch Test
State/Local Overview

Homework: Read the blog. Work on missing/late/incomplete/make up work - due by next Friday, May 30. Next news brief: Rachel.

News Brief: Chris had the abbreviated news brief and selected this story to talk about: - Warning shots fired at three North Korean ships crossing sea border. We talked in class about the two different forms of government here - South Korea has a democracy, while North Korea has a dictatorship/totalitarian state. Thanks, Chris!

I also wanted to talk about the Beaverton School District bond measure passing. Here is the Washington County Elections Results website. This is a look at what the bond passing might mean for Westview. I stressed how important voting is - this huge bond measure was decided by way less than half of registered Beaverton voters.

Finally, I shared that I will be back full time at Westview next year as a probationary/permanent Social Studies teacher - something that I have been working towards for five years. This is completely unrelated to the bond measure passing! Happy days.

Grades Talk: I wanted to give out updates on where your current grades stand. Many students have 1) not been coming to class, 2) neglecting to do assigned work, 3) not made up missing tests. Any one of those is a bad indicator - all three are a toxic combination. There is not much time left in the school year to make up work

Judicial Branch Test: As promised, we had the judicial branch test today in class. I hope this went well! We will go over the results and answers next class, as usual. Students that missed class today will have the opportunity to make it up at that point, but if both classes are missed, it will have to be done with me on your own time.

State/Local Overview: At the end of class, I passed out the last major introductory packet of the year - information about state and local governments. This should be especially relevant, due to the election results from last night! We went through the packet and answers together.

Make sure to keep working on any missing work and come see me about missing or make up tests! Have a great long weekend!

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