Sunday, August 31, 2014

Welcome to the Blog!

The dawn of a new day and year over Westview!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Government bog for my class at Westview during the 2014-15 school year! Before I begin with posting updates via class recaps, let me give you a little introduction to this website.

First off, comments can be made on any post by anyone, and they can be anonymous (though I would really prefer that you leave your name, so that I can follow up with you in person) by selecting "Name/URL" on the right, underneath the comment box. Please try to use good spelling and grammar in your comments! I have to approve the comments before they are posted, so don't worry if you don't see your comment right away.

Secondly, because I will be putting up the class agenda and homework, as well as any interesting links (after class has met), I will attempt to give you ways to download the relevant files and documents you may have missed in class or would be interested in seeing again for your homework (or just because). For instance, here is the syllabus that I passed out in class.

Here is a link to the rubrics that will be used for the course and grades:

Finally, to contact me personally (other than leaving a comment - which I may or may not see immediately), please e-mail me at - this can always be found by clicking on "View My Complete Profile" on the right, where my picture is, then clicking on "Email" on the left sidebar. I will get back to you ASAP! Again, please use grammatically correct language and spelling, to the best of your ability. It really is appreciated and will go a long way for you in the future!

I know it might be a lot to take in, but hopefully we will all get used to it! I envision this blog as a place where you will be able to come to converse with your classmates and me, as well as get all the latest assignments, updates from class, and further information.

If you have any questions or comments, please never hesitate to let me know!

Welcome again - thanks for visiting. Please bookmark this site and come back soon! :-)


  1. Since when do teachers have blogs for classes

  2. Uh did my last comment work?

  3. Oh haha forgot to put my name

    Jerick HW done

  4. What is your Instagram? I like photography and you take great pictures.

  5. Hey Brendan!

    Thanks for the compliment and for doing the first current event/news brief! My Instagram is super easy: @lukefritz. Or online at

    See you Friday!

  6. My homework is done :)

  7. Really excited to be in your class this year(:

  8. You seem like you are going to be my favorite teacher this year! Homework is done. -brad

  9. I figured it out! Bam! Comment! Leaving computer now! Alright!

  10. Yo, my home work is done.

  11. I think instead of "Study Hall" have "Nap Time" I think we all need especially during finals week.haha


Please enter your comment. I will review the comments before posting them to the blog, so do not worry if yours does not pop up right away. Remember, do your best with spelling and grammar! :-)