Friday, October 24, 2014

The Legislative Branch, Day 3 - Class Recap

The Statue of Liberty and Lower Manhattan in New York City. Photo taken in 2011.

Hi everyone,

We had quite a lot to do today in class and we were pressed for time at the end, so I hope you are visiting with the intent of making it clearer as to what you need to do by next class! Here's the recap for today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 3: I can demonstrate an understanding of how individuals and non-governmental institutions interact with each other and the government in shaping politics.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: “Leaders of Men" by Joy Division. Selected because Seth suggested it to me before last class, and the title totally relates to our study of Government (leaders of women, too!). Lyrics here.

AGENDA 10/24/14:
News Brief – Mathew
Computer Lab S210
DOMA/Dream Act
Town Hall Prep

Homework: Read the blog.
- Finish the Oregon representatives handout.
- Complete the DOMA questions page of the DOMA/Dream Act handout.
- Know your role for the Town Hall simulation next class. This means reading over your character, if you are a politician, or reading over your assigned group and thinking of a question for the candidates. Again, this is mostly about DOMA and the Dream Act.
- Next news brief: Abby G. and Mathew (again, as neither was in class today).

News Brief: This section sort of fizzled this week, as both Abby G. and Mathew were not in class today, which makes three consecutive days of no presented news briefs. Hopefully, one or both is ready to go on Tuesday!

Computer Lab S210: As I said at the end of last class, I wanted to give some more time to work on the Oregon Reps in Congress handout, so we went to the computer lab and spent most of class there. I think almost everyone has about 10-15 minutes more of work left as homework, so please ensure that you do that! Ask me if there are any questions I can help with! Here's the handout again:

We will talk about this in class next week.

DOMA/Dream Act: When we returned to the classroom, I talked a little bit about the importance of the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) in recent American history, along with the idea of the DREAM Act. We are going to have a debate about these two ideas next class. Again, here's the handout I passed out. I'd like students to complete the first page of questions, dealing with DOMA, for homework:

This should take maybe 30 minutes. A fairly quick reading, then some questions associated with it. We will work on the rest of the handout (about the Dream Act) next class.

Town Hall Prep: At the very end of class (I know this wasn't super clear as to how it is going to work, so I apologize - we will go through it again next class), I passed out three candidate profiles, who are going to be represented by students at a "Town Hall" style simulation next class. I also passed out summaries of different nongovernmental organizations, who have positions on one of the two issues we are talking about (this is in reference to LT3). Lots to do next class! Be prepared!

Thank you once again for your hard work and understanding. Today marked a month since my dad was killed and I was reminded once again by what a joy it is to work with you all. I am truly thankful to be your teacher. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Wait so we only have to do the first page of that huge packet right? Plus I have the challenger thing to read and all I have to do is read that right?

  2. Brad,

    Yes, just the first page, which is DOMA. Then just read your person's biography. That's it. :-)

  3. Okay I guess I'll stop complaining then. Lol but what about that packet we were working on? I still have 6 questions on the last two pages to be answered.

  4. Brad,

    If you didn't finish the Oregon Reps in Congress packet that we were working on in the computer lab, then yes, that is homework to do. Thanks for checking in and reading the blog!


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