Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Executive Branch, Day 1 - Class Recap

The White House, in Washington, D.C., where the President (the head of the Executive Branch of the United States government) lives. Photo taken in 2011.

Dear class,

I hope you are visiting the blog today in preparation for next class and to review what we did today! Here's what happened today in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 3: I can demonstrate an understanding of how individuals and non-governmental institutions interact with each other and the government in shaping politics.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "You've Got A Friend" by Carole King and James Taylor. Selected because many of the legislative branch tests did not go well, but you can always come see me to retake them at lunch or during the latter periods of the day! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 4/9/15:
News Brief – Bailey
Review Legislative Branch Test
Executive Branch Overview
Electoral College

Homework: Read the blog. Turn in citizenship paper assignment ASAP. Next news brief: Colton (Bailey, too).

News Brief: Bailey had the news brief today, but did not remember to bring one in, so we talked about the story of a man in South Carolina being shot in the back by a police officer - the video of the incident came out and the officer is being charged with murder. Here is that story: - South Carolina cop shoots unarmed man: A timeline.

Review Legislative Branch Test: As I said above, this did not seem to go very well for most of the class. There will be opportunities to retake the learning targets in the future. Since they are averaged, it still will impact your grade, though. Please be sure to study! Especially when I directly spell out what will be on the test.

Executive Branch Overview: The next part of class was learning about the Executive Branch. Here are the answers to the sheet I passed out to start the unit:

We went over this together in class, as we learned about the basics of the executive branch.

Electoral College: On the back side of the sheet was a look at what the electoral college is all about. To help with understanding this, I played two videos:

This was a fun and silly way to look at the electoral college in a third grade classroom, in a vote of colored pencils vs. markers.

And this was the actual chaos that happened on election night in 2000, when Florida was first declared to be a Gore victory, then for Bush, then months went by before a true victor was decided (Bush, by winning Florida by a few hundred votes, won the election).

Here is the reading that we ended class with, after the Earthquake/Fire Drill. It is not homework to complete (there is a separate packet of questions that are in class), but be familiar with the basics, as a future test will be based on it!

That was everything for today! See you next week!

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