Tuesday, May 26, 2015

State and Local Government, Day 4 - Class Recap

My view of Mt. Hood and Lost Lake on final approach into Portland International Airport on Sunday, coming back from Phoenix.

Hi everyone,

Welcome back from the long Memorial Day weekend! I hope you are rested up and ready to finish the year strong. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research. 

Soundtrack: "Memories Live" by Talib Kweli and Hi Tek. Selected for today because of Memorial Day and the importance of the holiday to us.

AGENDA 5/26/15:
News Brief – Ethan
State/Local Project

Homework: Read the blog. Continue working on your State/Local final project! Next news brief (just find an article related to government - no write up needed): Gabby.

News Brief: Ethan had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: NYPost.com - 12 missing after Texas flood sweeps away vacation home. We talked about how food gets wasted (especially at restaurants) and possible solutions, including donating excess food to the homeless. Thanks, Ethan! Gabby has the next news brief.

After the news brief, we checked in about the weekend and what happened, as well as talked about the schedule for the end of the year.

State/Local Project: We kept working on this project, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. Here's the handout:

We went through this together again, and then went to the library.

Library: The rest of class was spent in the library, working on researching for the State and Local project and writing about an issue that you care about in our local community. This was the last time we are going to be spending in class with the project or with access to the computers for working on the project, so I hope everyone is feeling good about being able to finish by the time it is due, next week!

Next class, we will be going over State and Local information to know for the final, and prepping for Smarter Balanced. Woo hoo! See you on Thursday.

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