Friday, January 29, 2016

Welcome to the Blog!

The dawn of a new day and semester over Westview!

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Government blog for my class at Westview during the 2015-16 school year! Before I begin with posting updates via class recaps, let me give you a little introduction to this website.

First off, comments can be made on any post by anyone, and they can be anonymous (though I would really prefer that you leave your name, so that I can follow up with you in person) by selecting "Name/URL" on the right, underneath the comment box. Please try to use good spelling and grammar in your comments! I have to approve the comments before they are posted, so don't worry if you don't see your comment right away.

Secondly, because I will be putting up the class agenda and homework, as well as any interesting links (after class has met), I will attempt to give you ways to download the relevant files and documents you may have missed in class or would be interested in seeing again for your homework (or just because). For instance, here is the syllabus that I passed out in class.

Here is a link to the rubrics that will be used for the course and grades:

Finally, to contact me personally (other than leaving a comment - which I may or may not see immediately), please e-mail me at - this can always be found by clicking on "View My Complete Profile" on the right, where my picture is, then clicking on "Email" on the left sidebar. I will get back to you ASAP! Again, please use grammatically correct language and spelling, to the best of your ability. It really is appreciated and will go a long way for you in the future!

I know it might be a lot to take in, but hopefully we will all get used to it! I envision this blog as a place where you will be able to come to converse with your classmates and me, as well as get all the latest assignments, updates from class, and further information.

If you have any questions or comments, please never hesitate to let me know!

Welcome again - thanks for visiting. Please bookmark this site and come back soon! :-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Finals - Class Recap

Congratulations, everyone! You are done with Government for this semester! Photo taken at Niagara Falls in 2010.

Dear class,

I really loved being your teacher this semester! You all were fantastic at working hard and keeping class an enjoyable place to come to in the morning. Thank you! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Thankful" by Kelly Clarkson. I always choose this song for the last soundtrack of a class I am teaching, because I remain so thankful for all of you! I read part of the lyrics at the start of class.

AGENDA 1/27/16:
News Brief – Dru
Final Test

Homework: Have a great rest of the year! Say hi to me in the halls! :-)

News Brief: Dru had the news brief today, and was a little late to class, so we did not discuss a specific article. I hope that you are continuing to follow the news, especially with the upcoming votes for the presidential nomination this year!

Final Test: This was 100 questions, multiple choice. I think it took a bit longer to complete than in past years, but that is okay. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone did! Grades are due by next Monday morning, I believe. I will likely have them entered later today.

Reflection: As the test was winding to a close, I passed out a final reflection prompt, about how the class went, what you learned, and what you will remember (if anything) five years from now. I always enjoy reading these, as well.

Appreciation: Thank you all so much for your hard work! See you around! :-)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Finals Prep - Class Recap

Delicate Arch in Utah. A bridge between this semester and next! Photo taken in 2014.

Hi everyone,

Our last class together before semester finals and I say goodbye to everyone, and welcome a new group of Government students next semester! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "So Many Tears" by 2Pac. Selected for today because Hector suggested it in a nice note. Thanks, Hector!

AGENDA 1/25/16:
News Brief – Lindsay
Jeopardy Review
Final Prep

Homework: Read the blog! Study for your final test! Next news brief: Dru.
News Brief: Lindsay had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump, Which Could Bolster Him in Iowa. I talked about this, and the 2008 Presidential Election, where Sarah Palin was a Vice Presidential nominee for the Republican Party. It's really too bad our class is ending this week, because the primaries for the presidential election this year are going to be super interesting! Please continue to pay close attention to what is going on!

I also went over some more information from my mom about mental illness, which was in response to Lindsay's question about how to help support people experiencing mental illness last class.

The next news brief was assigned to Dru, who kindly volunteered.

Jeopardy Review: Another fun session of Jeopardy with the class! This was to review content for the final, next class. If you want to see the slides again, here they are:

Congratulations to Team 3 for coming out on top of the competition! I hope everyone had fun playing.

Questions?/Final Prep: At the end of class, I took questions (mostly about scheduling for next semester) and gave time for students to review the Study Guide again. Here it is (at least, the first page), if you missed class or wanted to see it again:

Your final for this class is next Wednesday at 7:45 AM. See you then! I'm looking forward to our last class together!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 6 - Class Recap

My mom, Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, came to talk with our class today!

Dear class,

Today was our last day before finals, so we decided to have my mom, Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, come talk about her job, which counted as a Career Related Learning Experience towards graduation requirements! Here's what we did today in class:

Learning Targets: 
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "City of Blinding Lights" by U2. Selected for today because my mom asked for a U2 song as her soundtrack, and she works for the City of Portland, serving all you beautiful people. :-) Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/21/16:
News Brief – Emma
Commissioner Fritz
CRLE Forms
Final Study Guide

Homework: Read the blog! Study for your final test! Next news brief: Lindsay.
News Brief: Emma had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Wave of bogus threats hits schools in four states. We talked about this story, and other recent school threats, as well as the importance of talking about and preparing for such a threat. I wonder if these events are happening more frequently because it is around finals time?

The next news brief was assigned to Lindsay, who kindly volunteered.

Commissioner Fritz: The next part of class was taken by my mom coming to talk about her experience as a Portland City Commissioner. It was great to have her in to talk with us, after we have talked so much about State and Local Government during the past few weeks! Thank you for your interest, focus, and questions! I'm glad that you got to meet my mom!

CRLE Forms: I'm also glad students completed one of the four CRLE forms you need to graduate! :-)

Final Study Guide: At the end of class, I passed out the final study guide for the test next week. Here it is (at least, the first page), if you missed class or wanted to see it again:

Next class (on Monday), we will play Jeopardy again to review for the test, then the rest of class will be used for studying again. Your final for this class is next Wednesday at 7:45 AM. See you next week!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 5 - Class Recap

Cannon Beach, Oregon. Photo taken in 2007.

Dear class,

Today was our last real work day in class, as far as new content to do (the State and Local packet). Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2. Selected for today because the song is in large part about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose legacy we honored on Monday with not having school. I hope you did something to try and serve our community with your time! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/19/15:
News Brief – Ellimay
State of the Union
State and Local Packet
Q's For Commissioner Fritz

Homework: Read the blog. Prepare for finals! Next news brief (just find an article related to government - no write up needed): Emma.

Wildcat News Brief: Ellimay had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Supreme Court to take up Obama immigration actions. We talked about this executive action earlier in the semester, and now the Supreme Court has taken the case (as 25 states have sued the Obama Administration about it). Thanks, Ellimay! Emma has the next news brief.

After the news brief, we watched Wildcat News. For those wanting to see it again (or if you missed class), here it is:

State of the Union: To catch up in class about President Obama's last State of the Union address last week, I showed a four minute highlight from here. It was interesting to hear the President talk about what he sees as his accomplishments, ideas, and how to be an effective citizen (which we have talked about in class).

State and Local Packet: After the SOTU review, I passed out this packet, which should be treated as a Study Guide for the State and Local government portion of the final test:

This reading went over all sorts of different aspects of State and Local governments. Important to know, with my mom coming to visit the class next class! We reviewed the material together later in class.

Q's for Commissioner Fritz: At the end of class, I asked students to make questions for my mom's visit next class. She is a Portland City Commissioner, and so her visit very much relates to our State and Local Government unit! I'm excited to have her in and for everyone to meet her!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 4 - Class Recap

My view of Mt. Hood and Lost Lake on final approach into Portland International Airport last year.

Dear class,

Today was presentation day for the last major assignment of the year: the State and Local project. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking and Reasoning LT 3: I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem. 

Soundtrack: "So What" by Miles Davis. A bit of jazz (no lyrics) to start the class! Selected because I wanted students to explain the answer to "so what?" in regards to their State and Local projects.

AGENDA 1/14/16:
News Brief – Nikki
State/Local Presentations
State of the Union
Late Work?

Homework: Read the blog. All late work needs to be turned in by Friday! Next news brief (just find a news story - does not need to be a write up): Ellimay.

News Brief: Nikki had the news brief today and selected an article about this story: - A+ for Oregon on birth control, sex education, reproductive rights. Thanks, Nikki! Ellimay has the next news brief, which, because she has already done a write up, just needs to be talking about a story.

We also checked in about the upcoming weekend, and I mentioned that it is MLK Day on Monday, so try and do something to honor his memory and legacy in our community. :-)

State/Local Project: The class was entirely taken up after the news brief by students sharing out their State and Local project with the class, as I asked questions. Here's the handout for the assignment:

Overall, I was pleased by the projects and answers. At the very least, it did appear that most students did research and had put thought into their responses for the problem facing our community and possible solutions. Thank you, all! I am looking forward to reading more about your projects in your papers.

State of the Union: We did not have time to really discuss the State of the Union speech, so I hope to get the chance to do so next class.

Late Work?: Please remember that all late work is due tomorrow if you want your grade to improve before finals! Put it in the inbox in class if I am not there! Have a great long weekend, everyone! See you next week - our last before finals!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 3 - Class Recap

Another beautiful place in our amazing State of Oregon: the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn. Photo taken in 2015.

Hi everyone,

We had our last day of work time on the State and Local project today - papers and presentations will be next class. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking and Reasoning LT 3: I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem. 

Soundtrack: "Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie. Selected for today because David Bowie passed away over the weekend. A total legend, and someone who was speaking about gender and sexual identity issues publicly long before it was socially acceptable to do so. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/12/16:
Wildcat News Brief – Tristan H.
State of the Union
State/Local Project
Library Computers/Grades

Homework: Read the blog. Your State/Local final project is due next class. All late work needs to be turned in by Friday! Next news brief: Nikki.

Wildcat News Brief: Tristan H. had the news brief today and selected an article about Social Security reform to talk about. He did not include the article title or link, so I can't find it online, yet. Thanks, Tristan H! Nikki has the next news brief.

If you missed Wildcat News for the day here it is:

State of the Union: After Wildcat News, I talked about the State of the Union address, which is tonight at 6 PM. The President is required by the Constitution to present Congress with a State of the Union - it traditionally takes the form of a speech. This will be President Obama's last SOTU address, and it will be on pretty much every major channel, along with the Republican Response, delivered by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, right after. Tune in to see what they say! We will talk about it next class. 

Here's the video we watched in class, going over some of President Obama's State of the Union addresses:

State/Local Project: The final assignment for the unit is this project, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. It will be due next class, and you will probably be asked to give a short (like a minute or two) presentation. Here's the handout:

We went through this together, and then went to the library.

Library Computers: The rest of class was spent in the library, working on researching for the State and Local project and writing about an issue that you care about in our local community. During this time, I also talked individually with every student in the class about their grade, and what they could do to improve it by Friday. Keep working hard! See you next class.

Friday, January 8, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 2 - Class Recap

As we continue to work in class on the State and Local project, here is a picture I took last year of Oregon's only National Park: Crater Lake.

Hi everyone,

Today was our second work day in class on the State and Local government project. I also passed back grades and updated everyone on what needed to be done as we approach finals. Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking and Reasoning LT 3: I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem. 

Soundtrack: "Coming Home" by Mat Kearney. Selected for today because this is a song about Oregon (played after the first quarter at Oregon Ducks football home games). Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/8/16:
Wildcat News Brief – Alex
Citing Sources
State/Local Project
Computer Lab N210

Homework: Read the blog. Continue working on your State/Local final project! Next news brief: Tristan H.

Wildcat News Brief: Alex had the news brief today and selected an article about this story to talk about: - Obama vetoes Obamacare repeal bill. As we talked about in class, this is the first time that a bill actually has advanced to the President that would repeal his most important legislation. So there is no way that it will not be vetoed, and there is also no way that the House and Senate will be able to override it, because not enough Democrats will agree to. Thanks, Alex! Tristan H. has the next news brief.

If you missed Wildcat News for the day, or simply want the joy of hearing the fight song again again, here it is:

Citing Sources: Because so many students seemed to stumble on this part with the Citizenship Paper, and because the State and Local project has it as a requirement as well, I spent some time in class going over how to cite sources in MLA format. Some links that may help with this:

A works cited page at the end of your research paper is a requirement, as is utilizing in-text citations. EasyBib really helps with the works cited page for electronic resources!

State/Local Project: The final assignment for the unit is this project, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. It will be due in a few days (we have at least the next two days in the library to be working on it), and you will probably be asked to give a short (like a minute or two) presentation. Here's the handout:

We went through this together, and then went to the computer lab.

Computer Lab N210: The rest of class was spent in the computer lab, working on researching for the State and Local project and writing about an issue that you care about in our local community. When I was checking in with students, it appeared that most had a great start as far as selecting issues and beginning to work on the project. Next class, we will be going back to the computer lab to continue working. Please let me know if you have any questions about what to do! See you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

State and Local Government, Day 1 - Class Recap

The beach at Puerto Vallarta, on Christmas Eve, 2015.

Welcome back, everyone!

It was really great to see you all today in class. I'm thankful that I have a job that I am so excited to come back to after Winter Break, to see everyone! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research.
Critical Thinking and Reasoning LT 3: I can apply understanding of ideas and concepts to a new context or problem. 

Soundtrack: "Welcome Back" by Ma$e. Selected for obvious reasons. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 1/6/16:
News Brief – Mr. Fritz
Unit Overview
State/Local Project
Library Computers

Homework: Read the blog. Turn in any missing/incomplete work. Next news brief: Alex.

News Brief: I started off class by checking in about Winter Break, then talked about this article as my news brief for a recent story affecting our government: - Read Barack Obama’s Speech on New Gun Control Measures. Specifically, I read this section, which reminded me of some of the Forced Choice debate questions we engaged in as a class at the start of the semester:

Now, I want to be absolutely clear at the start — and I’ve said this over and over again, this also becomes routine, there is a ritual about this whole thing that I have to do — I believe in the Second Amendment. It’s there written on the paper. It guarantees a right to bear arms. No matter how many times people try to twist my words around — I taught constitutional law, I know a little about this — (applause) — I get it. But I also believe that we can find ways to reduce gun violence consistent with the Second Amendment.

I mean, think about it. We all believe in the First Amendment, the guarantee of free speech, but we accept that you can’t yell “fire” in a theater. We understand there are some constraints on our freedom in order to protect innocent people. We cherish our right to privacy, but we accept that you have to go through metal detectors before being allowed to board a plane. It’s not because people like doing that, but we understand that that’s part of the price of living in a civilized society.

I also talked about the Republican opposition to President Obama's plan, in wanting to focus more on mental health treatment. An ongoing debate, for sure!

Alex was selected to do the next news brief.

Unit Overview: Today, we started our work with State and Local government unit (our last main one before the end of the semester). To begin, I had students do a simple fill-in-the-blank overview of the main concepts. The completed form is here:

This was meant as a general overview. We will get into some specifics in the coming days.

State/Local Project: The final assignment for the unit is this project, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. It will be due in a few days (we have at least the next two days in the library to be working on it), and you will probably be asked to give a short (like a minute or two) presentation. Here's the handout:

I went through the assignment in depth in class, and talked about possible issues for students to research. Basically, go with something you are interested in! It's really up to you - just run it by me, first!

Library Computers: The rest of the class was spent in the library on the computers, researching for the State and Local assignment, I think most students are set with knowing what their problem is and how to research it. We will continue doing this next class. Thanks!