Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Finals - Class Recap

Congratulations, everyone! You are done with Government for this semester! Photo taken at Niagara Falls in 2010.

Dear class,

I really loved being your teacher this semester! You all were fantastic at working hard and keeping class an enjoyable place to come to in the morning. Thank you! Here's what happened in class today:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.

Soundtrack: "Thankful" by Kelly Clarkson. I always choose this song for the last soundtrack of a class I am teaching, because I remain so thankful for all of you! I read part of the lyrics at the start of class.

AGENDA 1/27/16:
News Brief – Dru
Final Test

Homework: Have a great rest of the year! Say hi to me in the halls! :-)

News Brief: Dru had the news brief today, and was a little late to class, so we did not discuss a specific article. I hope that you are continuing to follow the news, especially with the upcoming votes for the presidential nomination this year!

Final Test: This was 100 questions, multiple choice. I think it took a bit longer to complete than in past years, but that is okay. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone did! Grades are due by next Monday morning, I believe. I will likely have them entered later today.

Reflection: As the test was winding to a close, I passed out a final reflection prompt, about how the class went, what you learned, and what you will remember (if anything) five years from now. I always enjoy reading these, as well.

Appreciation: Thank you all so much for your hard work! See you around! :-)

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