Inside the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. Photo taken in 2010.
Dear class,
Thanks for checking in on the blog! We continued looking at the Bill of Rights together today, and diving into what the main ones mean.
Here's what happened:
Thanks for checking in on the blog! We continued looking at the Bill of Rights together today, and diving into what the main ones mean.
Here's what happened:
Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different branches of U.S. government.
AGENDA 10/6/16:
News Brief -
Review Constitution Test
Gun Nation
Rights of the Accused
Homework: Read the blog! Watch the Second Presidential Debate on Sunday at 6! Next news brief: Liam.
News Brief: Xavier had the news brief today but was not in class, so I filled in and selected this story to talk about with the class: - Next debate prep: Clinton's light schedule, Trump stays on trail. With this, we talked about how, before the last debate, polls were showing Trump and Clinton as pretty much even, but since then, polls have shifted towards Clinton. Perhaps this second debate will be another important turning point?
We also talked a bit about the upcoming weekend, before moving on.
Liam was selected for the next news brief.
Review Constitution Test: This was from last class, and we also had students who missed last class complete this while the documentary was ongoing. I passed back the scantrons, which had the grades marked on the side, and we went through the whole test together. If this test went poorly, never fear, because there will be a retake in a few classes on the Bill of Rights and the branches of government. Please make sure to review the material!
Gun Nation: This was the "Gun Nation" episode of the "30 Days" documentary series. I asked students to note Pro and Con arguments for gun rights, as well as what students thought should happen now with gun rights in America. I think this episode does a really good job of looking at both sides of the debate, and is pretty powerful. I enjoyed our conversation afterwards. Thanks for your participation with this, everyone!
Rights of the Accused: To end class, we started looking at the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. I then passed out this packet (or students accessed it on Google Classroom), which was about various different cases regarding privacy and rights:
Gun Nation: This was the "Gun Nation" episode of the "30 Days" documentary series. I asked students to note Pro and Con arguments for gun rights, as well as what students thought should happen now with gun rights in America. I think this episode does a really good job of looking at both sides of the debate, and is pretty powerful. I enjoyed our conversation afterwards. Thanks for your participation with this, everyone!
Rights of the Accused: To end class, we started looking at the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. I then passed out this packet (or students accessed it on Google Classroom), which was about various different cases regarding privacy and rights:
Before the end of class, we tried to finish the 8 cases, then read over the case on the last page (we didn't get to the questions at the end, or have time to talk about the cases in detail). We ended there for the week, and will pick back up next time there. Thanks, everyone. :-)
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