Wednesday, January 25, 2017

State and Local Government, Day 5 - Class Recap

The famous "White Stag" building sign in downtown Portland. Photo taken over Winter Break, 2015.

Hi everyone,

It was a busy last day before finals week in class today! Here's what happened in class:

Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 1: I can demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between citizens and their governments.
Knowledge LT 5: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Research LT 5: I can effectively conduct and apply research. 

Soundtrack: "So What" by Miles Davis. Selected for today because it was a bit of jazz to start class and we were talking about "so what" in terms of our own history with the black community in Portland.

AGENDA 1/25/17:
News Brief – Harmony
Lift Ev'ry Voice
Film Questions
State and Local Work

Homework: Read the blog. Continue studying for finals! Next news brief: Ellie R.

News Brief: Harmony had the news brief today and selected an article about this story: - Examining the top contenders on Trump's Supreme Court list. We talked about this story, which will obviously have an enormous impact on our federal government, as well as a lot of other stories involving President Trump's first few days in office (there is plenty going on).

Lift Ev'ry Voice/Film Questions: We finished watching an excellent recent documentary from OPB, called Lift Ev'ry Voice. If you want to watch again, share, or get caught up, it is here:

Here is the worksheet that goes along with the documentary:

I think it is super important that we understand our own history regarding race in Portland, especially as I think there are some common assumptions that are just not true. As such, I was glad to see that almost everyone was glued to this in class. Thanks for your focus and willingness to learn about our own history! It was great to hear student responses after the film about what they learned.

In wrapping up the unit, I told the class that if they were interested in continuing to talk about issues such as race and ethnicity, they should consider forecasting for my new Diversity and Social Justice class here at Westview. It will be .5 elective credit, team teaching with Ms. Labossiere! If the course happens as we want it and you get it on your schedule, you would be guaranteed (we think!) of having me as your teacher for it, along with Ms. Labossiere. Here is a flyer to check out more information!

Consider it as a part of your forecasting for next year! Forecasting will start in early February!

State and Local Work: We ended with not enough time to start this, so we will start next class. Please bring your Chromebook on Friday! Then next week we will do some review for the final. Your final will be on Tuesday, February 7th. So, we have three more classes together before the final, then one after (apparently). It has been a pleasure to be your teacher, so I will enjoy every last minute! :-)

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