The beach at Puerto Vallarta, on Christmas Eve, 2015.
Hello everyone,
We started our last major unit of the year today, on state and local government! Here's what happened in class today:
Learning Targets Addressed:
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Knowledge LT 6: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
Soundtrack: "Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own" by U2. Selected for today because we are nearing the end of the school year and I am hoping to give you support to finish the year strong!
AGENDA 5/23/17:
News Brief – Cody
Review Feedback
State and Local Government
Final Project
Homework: Read the blog. Next news brief: Mante.
News Brief: We started off class with Cody talking about this story: - Manchester bomber named by police. We talked about this horrific story, which is obviously still developing as of the writing of this post. We talked about the response of the United States government, as well. Mante was selected to do the next news brief.
Review Feedback/Judicial Branch: Last class, I asked students to provide me with some feedback about how class is going - what is going well, and what can be improved, both for the class, and for me as a teacher. Here are the (very interesting!) results that we went through:
Final Project: I then went through the final assignment for the class, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. It will be due in class *probably* next Friday, and you will probably be asked to give a short (like a minute or two) presentation. Here's the handout:
We went through this together, and then had in class time to start working on it. We will devote much of the next two classes to work time! Thanks, everyone!
Review Feedback/Judicial Branch: Last class, I asked students to provide me with some feedback about how class is going - what is going well, and what can be improved, both for the class, and for me as a teacher. Here are the (very interesting!) results that we went through:
We also reviewed the answers to the Judicial Branch test.
State and Local Government: For the next part of class, I passed out a reading with questions about our last major unit of the year, on state and local forms of government (also on Google Classroom):
We went through the answers during class - keep this, as it will be helpful for understanding what is going on in our last unit of the year.
Final Project: I then went through the final assignment for the class, which is a two page paper, with at least three MLA citations, about a local issue that you care about. It will be due in class *probably* next Friday, and you will probably be asked to give a short (like a minute or two) presentation. Here's the handout:
We went through this together, and then had in class time to start working on it. We will devote much of the next two classes to work time! Thanks, everyone!
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