Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Second Amendment - Class Recap

Bunker Hill, in Boston. Scene of a famous gunfight! Photo taken in 2011.

Dear class,

After learning a bit more about the rights of the accused today, we went back and learned a bit more about the issues surrounding the Second Amendment. Here's the recap for the day:

Learning Targets Addressed:
SS.HS.KN.ALT.05: I can demonstrate an understanding of the principles, structures, and functions of different levels of U.S. government.
SS.HS.CO.ALT.05: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.

Soundtrack: “I Shot the Sheriff" by Bob Marley. Selected for today because of our look at the Second Amendment and gun rights. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 3/3/15:
News Brief - Yeli
Gun Nation
Questions for Jamie

Homework: Read the blog! Next news brief: Thomas.

News Brief: Yeli was not in class today (neither was Chris, who also needs to do one), and Aldo did not have his news brief done, either, so we had a general check in time. I talked for a bit about the Israeli Prime Minister delivering a speech to the U.S. Congress today. Here's an article about that, if you are interested: CNN.com - Netanyahu warns Congress: Deal will lead to Iranian nuclear bomb.

Thomas was selected to do the next news brief.

Gideon/Mapp: This was the two cases we did not get to last class, in this handout:

We went through the answers to these two cases (important for knowing your rights). Here are the overviews for what happened at the Supreme Court again: Gideon v. Wainwright and Mapp v. Ohio.

Gun Nation: This was an episode of the television series "30 Days" from Morgan Spurlock. In it, a person who is pro-gun control lives with a very pro-gun family for 30 days. I thought it did a nice job of presenting both sides of the debate. After the episode, we talked as a class about the issues, and students turned in a pro/con list about gun rights, as well as a short reflection.

Questions for Jamie: At the end of class, I gave time to make questions for Jamie, who is the police officer on duty here at Westview. We will be going up to Ms. Nelson's room to combine our classes and ask questions! See you then!

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