Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Philosophy of Government, Day 3 - Class Recap

This is what the inside of the United States Capitol building dome looks like, in Washington, D.C. The Capitol is where Congress meets to debate legislation!

Hi everyone,

Today, we continued with the Forced Choice activity, which took most of class. There were some really valuable discussions and insights that were shared about how we think the world should operate! Here's the class recap for the day:

Learning Targets: 
Communication LT 1: I can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Knowledge LT 2: I can demonstrate an understanding of the role of governments in current issues.
Knowledge LT 4: I can explain how different ideological movements and philosophies shape politics.

Soundtrack: "Get Up, Stand Up" by Bob Marley. Selected for today because you were asked to stand up and move around for what you believed in, as related to the debate. Lyrics here.

AGENDA 2/10/16:
News Brief – Mo M.
Forced Choice

Homework: Read the blog. The next news brief is assigned to Ty.

News Brief: Mo M. selected an article about this story to talk about today: - Woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary presidential run. This was definitely a relevant article, as it talks about the past history of the Clinton family, along with the current event of the presidential nomination process.

As part of the news brief, I showed the blog, and also the latest updates from New Hampshire primaries, with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders winning. I talked about what might happen next, as a part of this.

Finally, I noticed on Twitter that today is the day that Charles Montesquieu died in 1755. Considering we were just talking about him, I thought it was worth noting.

Forced Choice: Again, a continuation of the activity that we started last class. This time, we hit a variety of questions from 3-10, here:

1. Giving up some of our rights (like our phones being listened to without a warrant) is necessary for our own protection.
2. The Second Amendment means that everyone in the US has the right to have any weapons that they want.
3. Private businesses should have the right refuse service on religious grounds (like a bakery not making a cake for a same sex wedding).
4. Marijuana should be legalized everywhere for recreational use.
5. Public schools should strictly enforce a standardized dress code.
6. Organized prayer in public schools should be allowed.
7. The government of a country should be able to make decisions that the majority of the people do not support.
8. Should the motto “In God We Trust” be removed from our currency?
9. I agree with the death penalty for convicted murderers.
10. People in power are always corrupt in some way.

I had the class answer the questions and choose YES or NO to each of them. Then, we split up the class so that two sides were facing each other. With each question, students moved to the side they felt best represented their opinion on the matter.

Today's class was interesting! One of the discussion points had to do with the cost of the Death Penalty, and I said it costs the taxpayers of Oregon roughly 10 times more to prosecute death penalty cases, over a murder without a death penalty possibility. Here is a link to that article: - Can Oregon Afford the Death Penalty?

Super interesting!

We did not have time to finish or get to the reflections today, but we will next class.

Forecasting: After the period was over, I went over forecasting with everyone. You have two weeks to determine what classes you want to take next year and ask for them on the assigned papers! See the Westview High School website and the Academic Planning Guide if you have any questions. Thanks for your focus during this time!

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